Statement of Intent:
How do you intend
to use the four areas of the media
theoretical framework
to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of
your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)
my program I will be conducting a Pilot episode which will include a interview
which will include questions and answers which will be raised in the
interview. The style of the interview is
somewhat in relation to the Ellen Show
where the same humor and interview style will take place. The genre of my pilot
episode will be based around the young
hip hop age of the music industry which will target younger audiences within
the show which will involve the AB
demographic and culturally sophisticated 16-25 year olds. This concept of the
young music industry will fit into the
values of my TV show because of the chosen music choice also the use of a young
presenter who is African American and the Guest being of Iberian decent which
support the values of equal and diverse representations within the show and the
value of channel 4 as stated.
Two features will appear in my TV show. Firstly the
interview itself will be conducted by Victor King the presenter and the guest
star HDZ Dolan, in this part questions will be asked by both the presenter and
the audience in result will be answered. The second feature of the TV show will
include HDZ being featured in the aircraft, include shots of HDZ as well as the
flight. This part of the feature will include prize to be won which is free
flights at North Weald Airfield which the audience can win if they decide to
take part within the show. This prize will be featured at the end of the show
where HDZ Dolan's flight will take place and there it will be posted text where
free flights can be
won. Also within the show there will be a featured
question base for HDZ to answer which have been submitted by the audience in
turn. There will be posted questions by the audience which allows them to
interact with the show, by which the presenter will choose which questions
shall be featured to HDZ. As well as presenter questions which shall also be
introduced. Also within my production I have also made references within the
show to the King Show's website which the audience can freely access which will
lead them to further information and upcoming episodes which will be featured
on the show. Also a variety of social media platforms can be accessed by the
audience which will take them to the King Show's social media accounts.
How do you intend
to link your media products to demonstrate your
knowledge and
understanding of the digitally convergent
nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)
Within my product I
will introduce a variety of digital media convergence within my product. For
example within my website I have included a
range of social media platforms which users can
access which will take
them to home pages of that specific chosen social media platform. Within the
website there will a Face Book Link which will take the users to the Face Book homepage of the
King Show where
new episodes and events will be posted for the audience to access. Also within
the episode of the show I have labeled within the show for more information
visit our website. Also
the website can be accessed by all digital devices
within the media convergence to which the social
media platforms can also be